易胜博ysb88 is proud to announce the naming of the Patricia J. 米切尔1965年领导学院! 

易胜博ysb88 is proud to announce the naming of the Patricia J. 米切尔1965年领导学院! 

易胜博ysb88 is proud to announce the naming of the renowned 易胜博ysb88 Leadership Institute in honor of Patricia J. 米切尔,易胜博备用网址大学1965届毕业生. Ms. Mitchell attended 易胜博ysb88 for twelve years starting in the first grade, continuing her education at the College of Notre Dame of Maryl和 (now Notre Dame of Maryl和 University), 和 becoming a teacher at Pinewood Elementary School in Baltimore County. In 1974, she joined IBM as a Systems Engineer 和 retired as the Vice President of IBM Global Sales Operations. Ms. Mitchell joined the 易胜博ysb88 校董会 in 1989 和 in 1996 became the first woman 和 first graduate to Chair the 易胜博ysb88 Board.

Ms. Mitchell is a member 和 immediate-past Chair of the Board of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center 和 currently serves on the Board of 访问ors of the University of Maryl和 School of Medicine 和 the board of the Kennedy Krieger Institute. She is the immediate past-President of the Board of Governors of The Center Club, 和 past chair of the board of Notre Dame of Maryl和 University. Ms. Mitchel is co-founder 和 past Chair of Women United for both United Way of Central Maryl和 和 United Way of America, has also served on the Maryl和 Governor’s Workforce Investment Board 和 on the boards of United Way of Central Maryl和, KCI技术有限公司, 公司., 和 of the Maryl和 Advisory Board of SunTrust Bank (now Truist).

Ms. Mitchell has been recognized by the Baltimore Sun as one of the “50 Women to Watch” 和 in 2018 inducted into The Baltimore Sun Business 和 Civic Hall of Fame;  by the Baltimore Business Journal as an initial recipient of the Outst和ing Board Director award 和 as one of “The Power 10” in 2020; by the United Way of Central Maryl和 as 志愿者 of a Lifetime in 2018; by The Daily Record as an initial recipient of the Icon Award 和 inducted into the Circle of Excellence after being named three successive times as one of the “Top 100 Women in Maryl和.” Ms. Mitchell is a recipient of the President’s Medal from Notre Dame of Maryl和 University, of the Girl Scouts of Central Maryl和 Distinguished Woman Award, 和 the 易胜博备用网址预备学校 Alumna of the Year  Award. 点击这里了解更多关于Ms. Mitchell’s involvement throughout the community.

The Mitchell family has been dedicated to 易胜博ysb88's mission for over 70 years. 所有的女士. Mitchell’s siblings attended 易胜博ysb88 和 received their First Communion in 易胜博ysb88’s Luminous Chapel. Members of the Mitchell family have been generous in their philanthropic support of the school, 包括 EXCEL 和 以她的名义 Capital Campaigns as well as naming the athletic field scoreboard in honor of Edward J. 和玛丽·麦克纳米·米切尔. Ms. Mitchell’s recent gift to 易胜博ysb88 comes full circle in naming the Patricia J. 米切尔1965年领导学院. 

Ms. Mitchell said, “I learned to lead at 易胜博ysb88. I am incredibly pleased to endow this unique aspect 和 value of the 易胜博ysb88 experience to ensure our young women have the opportunity to build their self-confidence to lead 和 to serve in their careers, 在他们的社区里, 在他们的一生中.”

The newly named Mitchell Leadership Institute was founded in 2014, making it the first all-girls school in the region to offer such an impressive leadership offering through its one-of-a-kind signature program.

“The naming of the Mitchell Leadership Institute in P.J.他的荣誉是了不起的! 不仅是P.J. an inspiring leader, but she has been a trusted advisor since the Leadership Institute’s founding. It is fitting that the institute be named for a woman leader that epitomizes what we seek to teach our students. We are so grateful for her leadership gift 和 all she has done for 易胜博ysb88,玛丽·艾伦·R. Fise, the Director of 易胜博ysb88’s Leadership Institute.

该项目一开始只有四门课程. 现在, 近十年后, the Mitchell Leadership Institute has its own academic department, including seven teaching faculty 和 eight courses. +, there are multiple complementary leadership classes across campus, including 1804: The Ministry of Peer Leadership, 美国妇女历史, 和 leadership lessons in advisory periods throughout all grade levels. 

The 领导能力证书课程 was introduced in 2018, 为学生提供定制, in-depth leadership training 和 experiences that further distinguishes them throughout their educational 和 professional endeavors. 

除了课程之外, members of the Leadership Institute take field trips to see successful leaders throughout our area firsth和 和 listen to keynote speakers throughout the year. One of the best examples is 职业生涯的下午. This year we had 16 parents 和 alumnae speak to all upper school students. To learn more about this event 和 the Mitchell Leadership Institute, 点击这里.